Last updated 2300 days ago

Changes Log

—— 2.7 ( 14 March 2019 ) ——
Tweak: Features and FAQ section (image icon spacing)
New: 404 Error Page settings under Theme Settings page

—— 2.6 ( 18 November 2018 ) ——
Tweak: Page Title-bar overlay color option
Tweak: 404 page’s search form
Updated: The theme’s language file

—— 2.5 ( 18 November 2018 ) ——
Fixed: Some styling options for Screen Features, Call to Action and Hero Section
Tweak: WooCommerce template outdated files updated

—— 2.4 ( 01 November 2018 ) ——
Fixed: Pricing Table section and Single info box
Fixed: Product Page Title-bar banner
Updated: Multi-page Demo contents

—— 2.3 ( 10 October 2018 ) ——
Updated: Demo contents
Fixed: Hero Section’s svg shape support on 4K display
Tweak: Hero Section’s Background Circle Shapes hide/show options
Tweak: Style improvement of Blog widgets style (Recent comments, Recent Posts)

—— 2.2 ( 19 September 2018 ) ——
Tweak: Hero section (style two svg color change options added)
Fixed: Some PHP errors on the theme activation

—— 2.1 ( 02 September 2018 ) ——
Fixed: Some WooCommerce issues
Fixed: Product wishlist button and pagination
Fixed: Some styling issues
Fixed: Menu action button on Header full width mode
Tweak: Menu action button styling settings (Theme Settings > Header Settings > Menu Action Button)
Tweak: Color Settings
New: Shop homepage (included with multipage demo) with new four sections

—— 2.0.1 ( 27 August 2018 ) ——
Fixed: syntax error in Appart_hero.php on line 488

—— 2.0 ( 26 July 2018 ) ——
Fixed: Screens Features section button color issue
Fixed: Team section member column count choose issue
Fixed: Comment system on blog single comment form
New: WooCommerce integrated (product archive, product single, cart, checkout page) integrated

—— 1.7 ( 21 June 2018 ) ——
Fixed: MailChimp Subscribe form section
Fixed: Team two column layout
Fixed: Some CSS issues
Fixed: Some Elementor widget’s settings
Updated: Theme name changed to AppArt from Appart

—— 1.6.1 (12 June 2018 ) ——
Improved: Features Section font size and individual icon color change option added.
Fixed: Some CSS issues

—— 1.6 ( 10 June 2018) ——
New: Hero Section Style Five
New: Interactive Screens Section
New: Client Logo Carousel Section
New: Demo Six added to one click demo importer.
Improved: Features Section icon alignment
Improved: Screens Features Section customize-ability
Fixed: Some CSS issues

—— 1.5 ( 06 June 2018) ——
New: Hero Section style four
New: Call to Action style three
New: Screenshots Carousel
New: Screens Features
New: Demo five in one click importer
New: Custom JavaScript and CSS code editor added in the Theme Settings page
New: Particle background effect in Hero Section support
Improved: Features section
Improved: Call to Action
Improved: Download section two
Fixed: Some CSS issues

—— 1.4 (03 June 2018) ——
Fixed: Some responsive issues
Fixed: Some styling issues
Improved: Dropdown menu styling
New: Custom logo size in Theme Settings > Header > Logo
New: Contact page
New: WPML support
New: Multi-page demo in oneClick importer

—— 1.3 (29 May 2018) ——
Improved: Some shortcodes settings
Improved: Subscribe form
Improved: Dropdown menu
New: Testimonial style three
New: Single Video style two (popup video)
New: Hero section Style three (Background circle shapes)
Fixed: Some responsive issues
Fixed: Some styling issues
Updated: Demo contents

—— 1.2 (24 May 2018) ——
New: RTL support
New: Demo four
New: Hero background image slide-show
Improved: Some shortcodes settings
Fixed: Some responsive issues

—— 1.1 (17 May 2018) ——
Added: Two other demo (saas demo and demo three)
Fixed: Some CSS issues
Fixed: Some Elementor widgets settings
Updated: Demo contents
Improved: Some Elementor widgets settings
Improved: Search result no found page
Improved: Some design issues
Improved: Color settings

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